4.B Using Appropriate Assessment Methods

Staff-developed assessment methods
a. are aligned with curriculum goals
b. provide an accurate picture of all children's abilities and progress
c. are appropriate and valid for their stated purposes
d. provide meaningful and stable results for all learners, including English-language learners and children with special needs
e. provide teachers with clear ideas for curriculum development and daily planning
f. are regularly reviewed to be certain that they are providing the needed information

The Tree House staff rely on informal methods of assessment for the children enrolled in this classroom. These methods include but may not be limited to:

a. A developmental checklist/rating scale that was developed by The Children's Center staff to assess the curriculum goals as stated in The Ben Samuel's Children's Center curriculum. A link to the assessment tool is here.

b. We use a portfolio that includes the developmental checklist, collections of work (drawings, writing samples, paintings), language samples from conversations, anecdotal notes of progress, any developmental screenings from outside support sources and photos of work in action all provide an accurate picture of each child's abilities and progress.

c. As stated above, we use a portfolio assessment method to analyze the development and progress of each child in the classroom.  The checklist monitors the progress with the curriculum goals, while the collected samples of photos, work, conversations and anecdotal notes supports the data recorded on the assessment tool. The collection of data is weekly and is authentic to what we have been studying in the classroom.  All items of assessment are studied together as a composite of development and not in isolation of one another.

d.Our assessment process develops a "current standing of progress", therefore, the process not only illustrates the child's movement on the developmental scale, but where he/she falls on that scale. It's flexible, which is why it is beneficial for mixed age groups with multiple differences in ability. 
    e. and f. All information is gathered and placed in a portfolio for each child and is reviewed bi-weekly throughout the school year. This occurs typically during our professional development planning meetings every Wednesday of the month.  The review of the portfolios  and the curriculum provide the information and support necessary for planning activities to meet individual and whole group goals. A picture of the professional development schedule is below: